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Va bene InformazioniAdventure Carp Box Deluxe
- Pieno di accessori per terminali di Avid Carp, MAD, Neobaits, Radical, Rod Hutchinson, Solar, Strategy e Ultimate!!
- Avid Carp – Inline Runbeads (8 pcs)
- Avid Carp Chodbead Kit, Leadcore
- Avid Carp Weighted Leadcore Flying Chod Beads (9 pcs)
- MAD Rig Ring Rig Aligners, brown (large/15 pcs)
- MAD Touchdown Combi Baseline Rig, #2
- MAD Touchdown Fluorocarbon Chod Rig, #6
- Neobaits Readymades, Bubblegum (20mm/1kg)
- Neobaits Readymades, Garlic & Pepper (20mm/1kg)
- Radical Highway to Smell Pop Ups, Neon Blue (16+20mm/75g)
- RidgeMonkey Beaked Point, Barbless (#2/10pcs)
- RidgeMonkey Chod Hook, Barbed (#2/10pcs)
- RidgeMonkey Chod Hook, Barbless (#4/10pcs)
- RidgeMonkey Straight Point, Barbless (#2/10pcs)
- Rod Hutchinson Flat Pear Swivel Lead, 70 gram (2pcs)
- Rod Hutchinson Legend Boilie Dip, R-Agent (100ml)
- Rod Hutchinson Legend Hugecorn Particles, R-Agent and Liver Liquid (200g)
- Rod Hutchinson Silicon Tube, green (size L/2,5mm)
- Rod Hutchinson Soft Beads, Green (size S/5mm/10pcs)
- Solar Max Attract Liquid, Pineapple (200ml)
- Strategy the n’ Butyrics Pop-ups, Green Zing ’n Butyric (20mm/100g)
- Ultimate Adventure Tacklebox con Bit Boxes
- Ultimate Baits Babycorn, Fish (8mm/1kg)
- Ultimate Baits Halibut Pellets (14mm/1kg)
- Ultimate Explorer Headlight
- Questo affare è pieno di piccoli accessori utili per il pescatore di carpe!
In questo affare troverete un rifornimento completo di attrezzatura per terminali ad un prezzo super forte! Questo Adventure Carp Box Deluxe è confezionato con piccole attrezzature utili per il pescatore di carpe. Pensate agli accessori, tubini, rigs, boilies, pop-up, scatola da pesca, strumenti e molto di più da marchi ben noti come Avid Carp, MAD, Neobaits, Radical, Rod Hutchinson, Solar, Strategy e Ultimate!!
Ultimate Adventure Tacklebox
Rod Hutchinson Flat Pear Swivel Lead
Strategy the n' Butyrics Pop-ups, Green Zing ’n Butyric
Ultimate Explorer Headlight
Avid Carp - Inline Runbeads
Avid Carp Weighted Leadcore Flying Chod Beads
Avid Carp Chodbead Kit
RidgeMonkey Chod Hook, Barbed
RidgeMonkey Beaked Point, Barbless
RidgeMonkey Straight Point, Barbless
Solar Max Attract Liquid, Pineapple
Radical Highway to Smell Pop Ups, Neon Blue
Rod Hutchinson Soft Beads
Rod Hutchinson Silicon Tube
Ultimate Baits Babycorn, Fish
Ultimate Baits Halibut Pellets
MAD Touchdown Combi Baseline Rig
MAD Touchdown Fluorocarbon Chod Rig
MAD Rig Ring Rig Aligners
Rod Hutchinson Legend Hugecorn Particles, R-Agent and Liver Liquid
Rod Hutchinson Legend Boilie Dip, R-Agent
Neobaits Readymades, Bubblegum
Neobaits Readymades, Garlic & Pepper